AlphaValue Corporate Services
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Bloomberg   ALGAU FP
Engineering-Heavy Constr.  /  France  Web Site   |   Investors Relation
Pioneer in green-powered closed space mobility but troubled by operational scares
Pension matters

At the end of 2021, Gaussin employed on average 274 people across its operations in Hericourt and Saint-Vallier. The former employed 86 people, of whom c. 50 people were deployed in R&D dedicated to renewables, autonomous driving, and robotics. The remainder of the workforce was deployed at Saint-Vallier, which focuses on manufacturing and procurement. During the year, the company spent c. €15m on personnel costs, including €4m in salary-related benefits. Regarding pension expenses, the company has no exposure to liabilities from defined benefit plans.

In the future, given the increasing demand for Gaussin’s products, the company has a hiring plan to increase significantly its workforce across the area of manufacturing and assembly, which may lead to the doubling of its existing workforce. Thus, the company is preparing itself for growth and expansion in the field of sustainable transport and mobility.

  • Summary
  • Geo. Liabilities
  • Inputs
  • Funded Oblig.
  • Plan Assets
  • Unfund. Obligations
  • B/S Impact
  • P&L Impact
  • Corridors
Upside 275%
Price (€) 0.22
Market Cap (€M) 9.49
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Changes to Forecasts : 03/11/2023.