AlphaValue Corporate Services
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Bloomberg   ALCJ FP
Supergenerics  /  France  Web Site   |   Investors Relation
Things are getting going...hopefully
Upside 343%
Price (€) 1.78
Market Cap (€M) 73.2
Perf. 1W: -6.31%
Perf. 1M: 7.35%
Perf. 3M: -10.9%
Perf Ytd: -63.8%
10 day relative perf. to stoxx600: -4.06%
20 day relative perf. to stoxx600: 9.32%
EPS change25/07/2022 11:40

The update of our assumptions confirms a huge upside potential

Change in EPS2022 : € -0.26 vs 0.63ns
2023 : € -0.31 vs 1.40ns

Our short-term EPS forecasts have little meaning given the fact Crossject will not launch any product on the market before 2024 according to our assumptions. The main changes in the latter refer to the launches of products in FY24 and thereafter, thus one should not pay too much attention to the very short-term earnings profile of the company, which only captures the expenses incurred to develop the future portfolio of products.

Change in Target Price€ 11.3 vs 10.3+9.17%

Despite the fact we have quite significantly changed our assumptions after extensive talks with management, our target price does not move much. On the one hand, it is boosted by the NAV valuation based on future sales multiples of the products to be launched from FY24 onwards but, on the other, it is penalised by short-term losses. Actually, the peer-based comparison is very unfavourable for Crossject, considering that it will not generate any turnover, thus results, before FY24.

Change in NAV€ 13.3 vs 9.66+38.2%

We have reviewed our assumptions regarding the future launches of the seven NTEs (New Therapeutic Entities) that the group is currently working on. This has translated into significant changes in the mid-term revenues we expect for FY24 and beyond. Since our NAV is based on sales multiples (3x) of the FY25-26 revenues, it is quite significantly impacted by this change in assumptions and translates into a higher valuation of the group.

Change in DCF€ 14.4 vs 14.3+0.77%

Despite the fact we have changed our mid-term estimates (from FY25-26 on), the DCF valuation does not move much since we have been rather cautious on the cash flows that the group will be able to generate in the short to mid-term, in particular due to the build-up of working capital. This valuation nonetheless results in a very significant upside, which confirms our view that the current pipeline is very promising in terms of potential share price performance over the mid-term.


23 Mar 23 Earnings/sales releases
FY22: not much to learn from the release

26 Sep 22 EPS change
Minor changes after H1 22

23 Sep 22 Earnings/sales releases
A rather reassuring H1 22

29 Mar 22 Earnings/sales releases
FY21: not very meaningful, as expected

17 Dec 21 Financing issue
New financing
