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Bloomberg   ALCJ FP
Supergenerics  /  France  Web Site   |   Investors Relation
Things are getting going...hopefully in FY25
Upside 306%
Price (€) 1.78
Market Cap (€M) 80.0
Perf. 1W: -5.41%
Perf. 1M: -15.1%
Perf. 3M: -15.5%
Perf Ytd: -19.7%
10 day relative perf. to stoxx600: -15.5%
20 day relative perf. to stoxx600: -20.2%
Latest22/11/2018 16:18

Excellent news: production has resumed


Crossject announced that the production issue (due to a mould of a Zeneo component which had been damaged during the summer) has been fixed with production having started again yesterday.


As a reminder, the technical issue surrounding a mould of a component was announced together with the release of the H1 results (see our Latest dated 27 September) and (partly) caused a steep fall in the share price which has halved in the last two months. Yesterday’s news is, of course, very good news for the group and this all the more since management is now even more aware of the possible occurrence of such issues, and determined to put greater emphasis on maintenance and invest on substitution production tools to face future potential issues. For the time being, the mould has been repaired and the first products validated. After the whole process has been validated, production for clinical studies will resume in spring 2019. Fair enough. Management also seized this opportunity to confirm it is targeting filings for 2020 for most products, although it also insisted it puts an emphasis on Midazolam (Europe), Naloxone (Europe and US) and Epinephrin (Europe and US). The group also confirmed it is targeting licensing agreements in FY19 for Midazolam, Naloxone and Sumatriptan in Europe and/or the US depending on the drug.


Altogether, this is very good news and Crossject is back on its feet to keep moving towards its ambitious goals. There is no reason for us to change numbers and/or valuation on the news. Thus, our upside remains huge, as is the market potential for Zeneo.


18 Apr 19 EPS change
The 2018 bonds fully converted

18 Mar 19 EPS change
No major change post FY18 results

15 Mar 19 Earnings/sales releases
Slowly but surely

04 Feb 19 Financing issue
Some extra non-dilutive financing

24 Dec 18 EPS change
Adjustment in the number of shares

28 Nov 18 Financing issue
A €3.9m capital increase

23 Oct 18 Other news/comments
Bond conversion
