AlphaValue Corporate Services
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Bloomberg   ALCJ FP
Supergenerics  /  France  Web Site   |   Investors Relation
Things are getting going...hopefully in FY25
Upside 306%
Price (€) 1.78
Market Cap (€M) 80.0
Perf. 1W: -5.41%
Perf. 1M: -15.1%
Perf. 3M: -15.5%
Perf Ytd: -19.7%
10 day relative perf. to stoxx600: -15.5%
20 day relative perf. to stoxx600: -20.2%
Financing issue 28/11/2018 15:38

A €3.9m capital increase


Crossject announced it would issue new shares, a maximum of 3.4m with subscription rights, to be listed before year-end (28 December), with total potential proceeds of c.€3.9m.


In short, the subscription period will be 3-14 December. Three subscription rights will give the right to subscribe to one new share at €1.16, thus a theoretical price for subscription rights of €0.14 based on yesterday’s closing price. Gemmes Venture, the historic and main shareholder of Crossject, has committed itself to subscribing a number of shares of at least 24% (its stake in Crossject) and enough shares to ensure that 75% of the issue is subscribed in any case, with the possibility to subscribe up to 100% of the issue or enough shares to ensure that 100% of the issue is subscribed. The group also indicates that its financing needs post this capital increase are €11m over the next twelve months, to be covered by incentives, tax credits and the commercial agreements currently being negotiated (upfront fees). If these financings are not enough, it is also considering and negotiating non-dilutive financings. Altogether, the announcement implies that the total number of shares will rise from c.9.3m to c.12.7m, while the net debt will decrease by c.€4m, if the issue is 100% subscribed.


We will integrate the issue in our model, with a target price that will go down since the impact of the dilution is undoubtedly greater than the positive one on the group’s net debt level. That said, the short-term visibility will increase and management can focus on the ongoing commercial agreements, which we see as positive news.


18 Apr 19 EPS change
The 2018 bonds fully converted

18 Mar 19 EPS change
No major change post FY18 results

15 Mar 19 Earnings/sales releases
Slowly but surely

04 Feb 19 Financing issue
Some extra non-dilutive financing

24 Dec 18 EPS change
Adjustment in the number of shares

28 Nov 18 Financing issue
A €3.9m capital increase

23 Oct 18 Other news/comments
Bond conversion
