AlphaValue Corporate Services
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Bloomberg   MHM FP
Travel Services  /  France  Web Site   |   Investors Relation
Preparing to launch Matching App
Upside 1,687%
Price (€) 0.40
Market Cap (€M) 2.29
Perf. 1W: -5.73%
Perf. 1M: 7.05%
Perf. 3M: -7.06%
Perf Ytd: -57.9%
10 day relative perf. to stoxx600: -17.1%
20 day relative perf. to stoxx600: 2.52%
DCF Change31/05/2018 12:10

Integration of the 2017 accounts

Change in DCF€ 6.14 vs 4.37+40.5%

The DCF valuation which is highly theoretical at present is naturally very sensitive to the redevelopment calendar. The nearer we get to redevelopment (our anchorage point is the realisation of the Grand Paris Express project), the DCF automatically benefits. This metric is liable to be called into question at any time.

Change in Target Price€ 8.79 vs 8.25+6.61%

The integration of the 2017 accounts amounts to recording the carrying cost of an asset which no longer generates a rental stream ahead of its redevelopment. Note that the risks associated with the theoretical value of this redevelopment are those of a very long-term calendar.


11 Nov 21 Opinion change
Reprise prochaine des acquisitions

09 Nov 21 Shareholding structure
Distribution de BSA. Premier investissement en...

24 Mar 21 Earnings/sales releases
H1 20 figures; a bit late indeed

25 Aug 20 Target Change
Update for fiscal year 2019

05 Aug 20 Earnings/sales releases
Reference shareholder will ensure FY 20 liquidity

31 May 18 DCF Change
Integration of the 2017 accounts

19 Feb 18 Other news/comments
Line 16 - Blanc -Mesnil confirmed for 2024
