AlphaValue Corporate Services
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Bloomberg   MHM FP
Travel Services  /  France  Web Site   |   Investors Relation
Preparing to launch Matching App
Pension matters

In 2022, the OTT Group has put together an experienced IT, financial and commercial team to take on the planned development of MHM including the completion of its platform. This team is in addition to the 30 employees taken over from the MyAgency group (acquired in June 2022). At the end of June 2022, the full number of employees is not known.

In-house vs. outsourced workforce

MHM does not exclude completing the development of the platform internally or externally. The use of external service providers (SSII) remains an option, although the group chooses to internalise the bulk of the remaining development of the tool.

Social reporting MHM

As MHM’s activity is embryonic, the company does not publish a social report. The activity of MHM consists of pure services. There is no public recruitment plan.


As Mr OTT was recently appointed CEO, the future remuneration policy is not known. To our knowledge, the directors do not receive an attendance fee. At this stage, we are not aware of any regulated agreements that may exist between the OTT group and MHM, possibly relating to the re-invoicing of expenses relating to personnel (MHM’s IT/finance team) whose time could be shared within the OTT group.

As a reminder, as the company will no longer have any operational activity in 2020-21, its workforce consisted of one person at the end of 2020. Its CEO was paid €36,000 per annum (excluding expenses, AR 2020). The directors did not receive a director’s fee.

  • Summary
  • Geo. Liabilities
  • Inputs
  • Funded Oblig.
  • Plan Assets
  • Unfund. Obligations
  • B/S Impact
  • P&L Impact
  • Corridors
Upside 1,192%
Price (€) 0.52
Market Cap (€M) 3.01
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Changes to Forecasts : 09/08/2023.