AlphaValue Corporate Services
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Bloomberg   MHM FP
Travel Services  /  France  Web Site   |   Investors Relation
Preparing to launch Matching App

Sustainability score
Company (Sector)
2.2 (5.6)

Sustainability is made of analytical items contributing to the E, the S and the G, that can be highlighted as sustainability precursors and can be combined in an intellectually acceptable way. This is the only scale made available

  Score Weight  
Independent directors rate 2/10 25%More ...
Board geographic diversity 4/10 20%
Chairman vs. Executive split 5%
CO² Emission 1/1025%More ...
Water withdrawal 2/1010%
Wage dispersion trend0/105%More ...
Job satisfaction0/105%
Internal communication10/105%

Sustainability score 2.2/10 100%  
Sustainability matters
Sustainability of the activity

By extension, the development model can be considered sustainable. In run rate, the application consumes few incremental resources. MHM has the opportunity to promote sustainable tourism by favouring green tourism by nature (type of accommodation) or proximity (limitation of carbon emissions).

MHM reporting

As MHM’s activity is embryonic, the company does not publish an environmental report.

Governance score
Company (Sector) Independent board Help
4.9 (6.3) No
Number of board members611 9/10 5.0%
Board feminization (%)3336 6/10 5.0%
Board domestic density (%)8359 4/10 10.0%
Average age of board's members5158 10/10 5.0%
Type of company : Small cap, controlled 4/10 10.0%
Independent directors rate1640 2/10 20.0%
One share, one vote 10.0%
Chairman vs. Executive split 0.0%
Chairman not ex executive 5.0%
Full disclosure on mgt pay 5.0%
Disclosure of performance anchor for bonus trigger 5.0%
Compensation committee reporting to board of directors 5.0%
Straightforward, clean by-laws 15.0%
Governance score 4.9/10 100.0%
Governance matters
Evolution of the profile

The history of MHM (ex-Foncière Paris Nord) has been marked by the complete reorientation of its historical corporate purpose, which was the ownership of rental properties. The company became SPAC (Société Parisienne d’Apports en Capital) in 2021 and then MHM (MyHotelMatch) in 2022, and is now exclusively dedicated to the development of its hotel matching application. The company no longer holds any real estate assets. To our knowledge, there are no significant litigation proceedings.

The entities of the OTT Group announced on 12 June 2020 that they held 29.9% of the capital of Foncière Paris Nord (FPN). According to the AMF notice of 10 May 2021, it holds 19% of the capital, then 28% on 13 April 2022. FIPP (DUMENIL family) holds 16% of the capital. There is no action in concert or shareholder agreement between any of the above entities except between entities of the OTT group. Following the sale by SPAC of 60,000,000 units of Bonds Redeemable in Shares to PAMIER SARL (controlled by FIPP) in 2020, the DUMENIL family retains the option to increase its shareholding to approximately 35% of the capital fully diluted (AV estimates, excluding the exercise of any BSA) by 2023. As the distribution of the balance of the outstanding NRS and warrants is not public (in particular following the exercise of 30m units by GLOBALTECH in 2021), we cannot determine precisely what the fully diluted capital will look like at the end of 2023 (including the OTT share).

Evolution of shareholding and governance

MHM has a Board of Directors. In June 2021, the Board of Directors was 100% composed of members of the DUMENIL group, FPN’s reference shareholder with 15% of the capital (as of 10 May 2021). The DUMENIL group holds its stake in SPAC via FIPP and a minority stake via the latter’s subsidiary, PAMIER SARL. The DUMENIL group includes Acanthe Développement, which focuses on high-end real estate assets in Paris. Mr DUMENIL is the CEO of Acanthe, Ms Laurence DUMENIL (his daughter) is also a director as well as her sister, Ms Valérie GIMOND-DUMENIL. Since April 2022, the DUMENIL family (3 seats out of 8) no longer holds a majority on the Board of Directors.

The concentration of the existing warrants in the hands of the company itself (before substantial redistribution to the shareholders in 2021) and the interest of the OTT Group for this structure have encouraged the reception of a new project formalised in the Combined General Assembly of 8 April 2022: MHM. Governance now seems to have stabilised.

Reinforced governance including specialists

The substantial change in governance made at the General Meeting of 8 April 2022 has strengthened the Board of Directors by bringing in individuals with profiles suited to the company’s project. Since 2022, the Board of Directors has welcomed Mr Bradley TAYLOR (ex-ORCO Property group, OTT Group), high level manager of luxury hotels (including formerly MaMaison – OTT Group – and Hyatt), Mr Yves ABITBOL, founder and manager of MyConcierge (acquired in 2022 by MHM), Mrs Charlotte GAUTHIER (considered independent, entrepreneur). Following four appointments in April 2022, the OTT Group has, in our opinion, a direct influence on four of the eight directorships (excluding the director considered independent). Two of the three mandates of the DUMENIL family expire in 2023.

Jean-François OTT M President/Ch... 2026 1965 2021 0.00 (2022) 1,766 (2022)
Yves ABITBOL M Member 2026 1964 2022 ND (2022) 275 (2022)
Auriane DE CASTELNAU F Member 2029 1992 2023
Alain DUMENIL M Member 2026 1949 2012 0.00 (2022) 684 (2022)
Charlotte GAUTHIER F Member 2028 1994 2022 0.00 (2022) 400 (2022)
Brad TAYLOR M Member 2024 1973 2022 0.00 (2022) ND (2022)
Stefan RADSTROM M Member 2028 1970 2022 2024 0.00 (2022) ND (2022)
Joël RUBINO M Member 2029 1959 2023 2024 0.00 (2022) ND (2022)
Changes to Board of directors : 15/08/2024
Name (6) Indep.
(conflicted interests, distant or current)
Die hard
(7 years or more)
(too young, disconnected profile)
(too many boards, too old)
Specific agenda
(gov. or staff rep)
(family, business relations, executive)
(lack of history, short CV)
Jean-François OTT
Charlotte GAUTHIER
Yves ABITBOL M CEO 1964 2023 ND (2022) ND (2022)
David STYBR M Partner 2022 ND (2022) ND (2022)
Nicolas TOMMASINI M Partner 1971 2022 ND (2022) ND (2022)
Jean-François OTT M Chairman 1965 2021 0.00 (2022) 0.00 (2022)
Laurence CHOPARD F CFO 2022 ND (2022) ND (2022)
COUILLEC YOANN M CTO 1988 2022 ND (2022) ND (2022)
Rebecca CHAUSSAT F Senior Executive 2022 ND (2022) ND (2022)
Fabrice MARTIN-ASTRE M Executive Officer 2022 ND (2022) ND (2022)
Changes to Management : 13/06/2023
Existing committees
  • Audit / Governance Committee
  • Compensation committee
  • Financial Statements Committee
  • Litigation Committee
  • Nomination Committee
  • Safety committee
  • SRI / Environment

Environmental score
Company (Sector)
1.5 (3.8)
Data sets evaluated as trends on rolling calendar, made sector relative
CO² Emission1/104/10 30%
Water withdrawal2/104/10 30%
Energy1/104/10 25%
Waste2/103/10 15%
Environmental score1.5  100%
Environment matters
Direct impact

As a service business with a high technical and technological content (IT, algorithms, data management), the impact on the environment concerning scope 1 & scope 2 is reduced to the operation of the application: energy (mainly electricity) and data storage (datacentre). We do not consider that the environmental costs associated with the hotel business are part of MHM’s scopes 1&2. As a simple intermediary between the consumer and the hotelier, the responsibility for scope 3 lies with the first two.

Indirect impact

The models for optimising the use of infrastructure help to limit the development of under-utilised (cold bed type) or under-performing assets. They are therefore by nature considered to have a positive impact on the environment. Nevertheless, this effect cannot be quantified.

Through the creation of “sub-communities”, MHM has the opportunity to highlight and promote low environmental impact accommodation models.

MHM environmental reporting

Because MHM’s business is in its infancy, the company does not publish an environmental report. It does not publish forecasts of emissions of any kind. The production of waste and the consumption of water in scopes 1 and 2 can nevertheless be anticipated as marginal even in the mature phase of the project.

Environmental metrics

Energy (GJ) per €m in capital

CO² tons per €m in capital
Cubic meter water
withdrawal per €m in capital
Tons waste generated per €m in
capital employed
MyHotelMatch Hotel, Catering & Leisure
Sector figures
Company CountryEnvironment
in GJ)
(in tons)
(in tons)
(in m3)
(in tons)
AccorHotels 2/1049,363,2003,643,000 105,000,000200,000
Compass 6/102,831,762196,996   
Elior 7/10433,78654,000 260,723 
Entain 10/10418,36931,318 n/a4,123
Flutter Entertainment 6/1037,3468,708 n/an/a
Intercontinental Hotels Group 2/1051,426,3242,662,434 123,587,331829,424
J D Wetherspoon 4/101,617,932114,883   
Kindred Group 4/1022,9461,324   
La Française des Jeux 8/1075,8141,494 14,965 
Melia Hotels International 7/101,623,368139,509 8,578,00019,863
Mitchells & Butlers 5/102,704,406160,227   
MyHotelMatchCR 1/10n/a  n/an/a
NH Hotel Group 7/101,965,92483,9533,0263,783,67220,550
OPAP 10/1040,7483,901 64,6691,455
Sodexo 7/101,841,940104,184 3,411,298 
TUI Group 1/1081,337,5505,953,187   
Whitbread 8/102,571,942152,965 5,659,000n/a

Social score
Company (Sector)
2.9 (6.3)
Social matters

MHM has built a small team in “commando format” to complete the development of the platform and prepare for launch. Following the acquisition of MyAgency, the number of direct employees of the group is expected to be in the range of 30-33. With the launch of the application, we expect the number of employees (backoffice, moderation, IT maintenance, payment) to increase to around 50-60 by the time it reaches breakeven. This figure does not take into account the possibility of using staff via external subcontractors (SSII) or an international deployment.

Social reporting MHM

As MHM’s activity is in its infancy, the company does not publish a social report. The remuneration policies are not known to date, nor their structure (internal / external to MHM). To our knowledge, at the end of 2021, there were no specific regulated agreements to be continued in 2023.

Quantitative metrics (67%)
Set of staff related numerical metrics available in AlphaValue proprietary modelling aimed at ranking on social/HR matters
Staffing Trend4/10 20%
Average wage trend1/10 35%
Share of added value taken up by staff cost1/10 25%
Share of added value taken up by taxes1/10 20%
Wage dispersion trend0/10 0%
Pension bonus (0 or 1)0
Quantitative score1.6/10 100%
Qualitative metrics (33%)
Set of listed qualitative criterias and for the analyst to tick

Accidents at work10/10 25%
Human resources development6/10 35%
Pay0/10 20%
Job satisfaction0/10 10%
Internal communication10/10 10%
Qualitative score5.6/10 100%

Sector figures
CompanyCountrySocial Score Quantitative scoreQualitative scoreStaffing
J D Wetherspoon 7.96.910.041,786
NH Hotel Group,610
Mitchells & Butlers,259
Melia Hotels International,377
TUI Group,338
Flutter Entertainment,699
Intercontinental Hotels Group,519
Kindred Group,395
La Française des Jeux,338

Sustainability / ESG by AlphaValue:

Doubt driven, focused on dynamics

AlphaValue was set up in 2009 as an ESG native firm: since inception, no research could be published without filling up the ESG relevant items. ESG has always been there as a natural building block of the research effort.

Without much pretence, AlphaValue has accumulated 11 years of proprietary, practical data in a consistent way that has been made to “talk” with financial data. The efforts have been aimed at solving the main conundrum of ESG analytics: avoiding useless and noisy data. AlphaValue ESG data is intimately connected to the fundamental research work and its continuous updating process. In other words, AlphaValue ESG data can be made to resonate at will in terms of financial implications for those investors with the willingness to do so.

Over the last 3 years, this data, or rather the dynamic of this data, has been put at work so that it impacts directly and consistently on valuations across AlphaValue’s 450 + stocks universe. This is considerable progress vs. the dominant “consumption” of ESG raw data: ESG-type conclusions are sitting next to valuation fundamentals but hardly any investor is in a position to bridge effectively the two in a consistent and repeatable way. It takes more than a spreadsheet to get stable and auditable results that work 100% of the time.

AlphaValue reckons that it currently is the only equity research provider in Europe to have reached this stage: a perfectly smooth on-boarding of ESG data, on a continuing basis, impacting valuation fundamentals day and night.

This is available on every stock, every sector, every stock selection, every day.

Heretical ESG opinions?

ESG is a contradiction in terms. Without a good Governance, the Social and Environment items will never show progress. Social is for stakeholders and thus unlikely to please shareholders. The long-term view that good pay/working conditions are ultimately good for shareholders is, like any promise, better left to those who want to believe in it. It does not work for normal investment horizons

Environmental gains will not happen without good Governance but this is not enough as environmental progress will not happen without coercion from governments/supra-governments. There is no reason why a corporate will spend more for a possible collective gain tomorrow when it can have better returns now for its shareholders.

The environment is a cost of massive complexity and a universal one as data improves and allows for intricate tracking of what corporates are up to. There is no practical way a corporate can be valued through a web of changing definitions of environmental data. AlphaValue holds the view that all corporates are made to pay through lower GDP growth expectations resulting from friction costs. The only dimension that really matters from an investment perspective is whether a given corporate makes an extra effort vs. peers. A good ‘E’ rating shall not be driven by absolute levels but by the dynamic of emission controls relative to peers. Dumping cement stocks because they spit out carbon is a narrow view of what ESG implies.

Sustainability scores only

AlphaValue always refused to supply a pecking order of its coverage along some improbable ESG scale. It just does not make sense to mix opposing signals in a single ranking.

Sustainability is a different proposition where analytical items contributing to the E, the S and the G can be highlighted as sustainability precursors and combined in an intellectually acceptable way. This is the only scale made available by AlphaValue.

Sustainability impacts target prices

From 1-12-2020, AlphaValue substituted sustainability metrics for its Governance and Social ones when it comes to impacting valuations;

Indeed since 2019, all DCF (or DCF equivalents for Financials) have been impacted by Governance and Social metrics to connect directly ESG-type findings into share price targets and bring consistency across the board. The impact is driven by adjusting the small ‘g’ conventionally used to assess the growth to infinity. This is being tweaked to recognise, say, that good governance ultimately pays off.

The same procedure is now stemming from Sustainability metrics instead.

For the record, this has been made possible as AlphaValue has finalised its proprietary E scoring, now extended to 4 items (GHG, Waste, Water, Energy) on which a degree of data stability seems to emerge.