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Bloomberg   MHM FP
Travel Services  /  France  Web Site   |   Investors Relation
Preparing to launch Matching App
  • Facing Booking, Tripadvisor or Airbnb, MHM intervenes on the mature hotel market. It wants to build on two advantages: strengthening the customer & hotel experience, and the price competitiveness of its service
  • On a market scale, the creation of the MHM platform requires little investment until the proof of concept (about €20-25m by 2025)
  • Very high risk project, therefore with related leverage and expected return
  • The financing structure of the project, as well as the valuation, remain dependent on significant subsequent fundraising at the scale of the company
  • In its first stage (development of the application, deployment), the model requires high fixed costs, with significant operational losses
  • The speed of development, and therefore of revenue and the achievement of the operational break-even point, is highly dependent on a double effect of proliferation: reference hoteliers and client-matchers
04/06/24 Financing i...Preparing to strengthen the balance sheet
27/02/24 EarningsPreliminary results for 2023. The App is ...
04/10/23 EarningsStrong growth in H1 23, imminent launch ...
13/06/23 TargetWe have applied a 10x EV/EBIT multiple ...
13/06/23 EPSWe have removed referencing expenses ...
13/06/23 NAVOur NAV has been upgraded because of ...
13/06/23 EarningsMHM will use AI
04/04/23 M&A /Corp.Structuring the Group ahead of a commer...
21/02/23 EarningsSuccessful restart of MyAgency achieved
15/11/22 EarningsA good performance from My Agency in ...
14/08/22 Other newsTaking into account the share consolidati...
15/06/22 TargetNotre modèle est mis à jour de la nouvell...
15/06/22 DCFLe modèle DCF incorpore une prime de ri...
26/11/21OpinionBuy vs Reduce
11/11/21OpinionLe potentiel de hausse est insuffisant pou...
11/11/21 TargetL'objectif de cours par action correspond ...
11/11/21 EPSEn l'état, SPAC ne dispose d'aucun actif ...
11/11/21 NAVNotre ANR tient compte d'un goodwill lié ...
11/11/21 DCFEn l'absence d'actif, les flux à actualiser s...
09/11/21 Shareholdi...Distribution de BSA. Premier investissem...
24/03/21 EarningsH1 20 figures; a bit late indeed
03/11/20 LitigationIn a surprise move, FIPP has deprived F...
26/08/20 Other newsReference shareholder transferred its risk...
25/08/20 TargetFollowing the late release of FY 19 conso...
05/08/20 EarningsReference shareholder will ensure FY 20 ...
03/07/20 LatestBientôt prête pour un nouveau départ
31/05/18 TargetThe integration of the 2017 accounts amo...
31/05/18 DCFThe DCF valuation which is highly theore...
19/02/18 Other newsLine 16 - Blanc -Mesnil confirmed for 2024
02/01/18 Initiation cov.A big bet on the Grand Paris developmen...
Upside 1,824%
Price (€) 0.37
Market Cap (€M) 2.15
Perf. 1W: -1.85%
Perf. 1M: -12.7%
Perf. 3M: -28.7%
Perf Ytd: -60.5%
10 day relative perf. to stoxx600: 0.35%
20 day relative perf. to stoxx600: -12.4%