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Drone Volt

Bloomberg   ALDRV FP
Aerosp. & Defence Equipt.  /  France  Web Site   |   Investors Relation
From a low-margin distributor to a high-margin service provider.
Upside 86.0%
Price (€) 0.01
Market Cap (€M) 13.8

At the end of 2019, the company’s net debt amounted to just over €5m, compared to €2.5m a year earlier and a net cash position of €276,000 in 2017. Over the period 2017 to 2019, net gearing went from -4% to 58%. This increase in debt was mainly created by the acquisition of Aerialtronics in 2017, as well as the financing of the restructuring of this entity, which we estimate to be close to €4m at the end of 2019.

To finance itself, as well as its acquisition, Drone Volt has mainly used a funding line through the issue of bonds convertible into shares with share subscription warrants (OCABSA and ORNANE) between 2016 and 2019. At the end of 2019, and in order to limit shareholders’ dilution from convertible bonds, the company has diversified its funding sources through the issuance of a €1.7m bond, carrying a 12% coupon.

In 2020, Drone Volt continued to diversify its funding sources (by obtaining a €500,000 state-guaranteed loan) and strengthened its capital through three capital increases for a total of c. €3.7m (of which €411,000 in March and €2.16m in May to refinance 90% of the ORNANE issued in 2019 and €1.1m in June). In addition, Drone Volt secured two new financings for a total of €20.4m, of which a €10m financing in August 2020 through an equity line contract (€1.6m drawn down) as well as a €10.2m OCABSA (fully undrawn) with ATLAS in September 2020.

By Q1-2023 the equity lines had been fully used at a high dilution cost but the prospects of fast-declining cash consumption helped envisage less costly future funding. The Aquiline mishap had only a limited cash cost but led to a balance sheet reset wherein shareholders funds plunged from €39m in 2021 to €15m in 2022 after the amortisation of receivables and of the equity interest in Aquiline.

Funding - Liquidity
  12/23A 12/24E 12/25E 12/26E
EBITDA €th -2,245 -721 1,423 4,729
Funds from operations (FFO) €th -2,718 -1,255 990 4,516
Ordinary shareholders' equity €th 22,706 22,945 21,164 23,291
Gross debt €th 4,183 6,541 8,541 10,541
   o/w Less than 1 year - Gross debt €th 642 1,000 1,000 1,000
   o/w 1 to 5 year - Gross debt €th 3,541 5,541 7,541 9,541
 + Gross Cash €th 455 337 470 4,461
 = Net debt / (cash) €th 3,728 6,204 8,071 6,080
Bank borrowings €th 3,631 3,813 4,003 4,203
Issued bonds €th 339 639 939 1,239
Financial leases liabilities €th 75.0 350 350 350
Other financing €th 138 1,739 3,249 4,749
Gearing (at book value) % 16.1 21.6 33.7 30.4
Equity/Total asset (%) % 94.2 85.5 78.4 85.6
Adj. Net debt/EBITDA(R) x -1.66 -8.60 5.67 1.29
Adjusted Gross Debt/EBITDA(R) x -2.02 -9.54 6.28 2.32
Adj. gross debt/(Adj. gross debt+Equity) % 16.7 23.1 29.7 32.0
Ebit cover x -22.8 -18.3 -6.48 3.38
FFO/Gross Debt % -59.9 -18.2 11.1 41.1
FFO/Net debt % -72.9 -20.2 12.3 74.3
FCF/Adj. gross debt (%) % -196 -103 -20.9 18.1
(Gross cash+ "cash" FCF+undrawn)/ST debt x -13.2 -6.76 -1.40 6.45
"Cash" FCF/ST debt x -13.8 -7.10 -1.87 1.99
Credit Risk
Changes to Story : 16/07/2024, Changes to Forecasts : 16/07/2024.