AlphaValue Corporate Services
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Bloomberg   MLCOU FP
Hotels & Motels  /  France  Web Site   |   Investors Relation
A new hotel offering responding to tomorrow's demand
Pension matters

As the Company has no operational activity, it has no employees. The remuneration of the CEO appointed in 2022 is not yet public. The future remuneration policy of the Board members and the Chairman is not known. We anticipate that the Chairman and the Board members will not be remunerated.


The future management team has not yet been formed. The OTT Group has the resources to support the formation of a team or to allocate resources via employee sharing if necessary. Unemployment in La Bourboule is high (around 14%). As a result, we do not anticipate any major recruitment difficulties in terms of opening the hotel. We do not anticipate any recruitment difficulties in Cannes, although the salaries are likely to be higher.

Courbet’s social reporting

The Courbet activity being null, the company does not publish a social report. The future activity of Courbet will consist of pure services. There is no public recruitment plan.

  • Summary
  • Geo. Liabilities
  • Inputs
  • Funded Oblig.
  • Plan Assets
  • Unfund. Obligations
  • B/S Impact
  • P&L Impact
  • Corridors
Upside -53.2%
Price (€) 3.2
Market Cap (€M) 20.3
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Changes to Forecasts : 05/12/2022.