AlphaValue Corporate Services
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Bloomberg   MLCOU FP
Hotels & Motels  /  France  Web Site   |   Investors Relation
A new hotel offering responding to tomorrow's demand
  • The revitalisation of sub-marketed assets is a strategy with potentially significant operational leverage. The project is led by Mr. OTT who has extensive real estate experience in Europe.
  • The hotel industry in central France (Project 1) addresses the growing market of green, economically accessible, local, low-carbon, health-centred tourism.
  • COURBET has acquired a second hotel in Cannes in September 2022 (Project 2). Supported by its majority shareholder, COURBET has the capacity to constitute a group with a patrimonial profile.
  • Boosting the attractiveness of certain destinations may require sustainably high marketing budgets: i/ from independent public authorities; ii/ from COURBET on its own assets.
  • In order to finance the roll-out, significant calls on the market are likely in the future. First issues at €1.20 per share will take place in 2022-23 for €7m.
  • For the time being, COURBET's size will result in a micro-cap status on a non-regulated market. This will be accompanied by a reduced liquidity of the share.
Upside 225%
Price (€) 1.29
Market Cap (€M) 14.8
Perf. 1W: -14.0%
Perf. 1M: -45.8%
Perf. 3M: -59.7%
Perf Ytd: -64.2%
10 day relative perf. to stoxx600: 8.11%
20 day relative perf. to stoxx600: -46.7%