AlphaValue Corporate Services
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Bloomberg   IDIP FP
Holding Companies  /  France  Web Site   |   Investors Relation
Resilient to macro-economic headwinds
Upside 48.4%
Price (€) 68
Market Cap (€M) 489
Perf. 1W: 1.19%
Perf. 1M: -1.45%
Perf. 3M: 0.89%
Perf Ytd: 8.02%
10 day relative perf. to stoxx600: -0.86%
20 day relative perf. to stoxx600: -2.33%
EPS change26/10/2023 17:27

Adjustment following the completion of the sale of Flex Composite Group

Change in EPS2023 : € 9.22 vs 6.45+42.9%
2024 : € 8.17 vs 8.13+0.51%

Our EPS 2023 resets significantly higher due to the inclusion of the sale of Flex Composite Group (FCG) to Michelin, which has driven up the change in fair value to €89m in H1-23.

Change in DCF€ 61.4 vs 45.2+35.9%

Our DCF has improved significantly following the sale of FCG to Michelin. We have estimated the total proceeds at €278.4m (against an estimated book value of €207.2m) or 12x the initial investment of €23.2m, which has significantly improved our estimates for the FY 23 cash position.


25 Sep 24 Earnings/sales releases
Nothing to rattle IDI

15 Mar 24 Earnings/sales releases
FY23: IDI rewards its shareholders

28 Nov 23 Earnings/sales releases
Ending Q3 with firepower at its peak

28 Sep 23 M&A /Corp. Action
Masters the value creation playbook

26 Sep 23 Earnings/sales releases
Shielded against macro-economic turmoil

13 Apr 23 Earnings/sales releases
FY22: IDI in a solid stand amidst an adverse en...
