AlphaValue Corporate Services
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Bloomberg   IDIP FP
Holding Companies  /  France  Web Site   |   Investors Relation
The smart bet in Private Equity
Upside 34.0%
Price (€) 73.4
Market Cap (€M) 528
Benchmarks Current multiplesWeightValues (€)Upside 
NAV/SOTP per share   55%92.025%
Dividend Yield Peers 4.7% 20%11760%
DCF (Edit and simulate)  10%60.6-17%
P/E Peers 7.7 x 10%14496%
P/Book Peers 0.7 x 5%77.66%
Target Price  100%98.434% 
Valuation matters

The basis of our valuation starts with the NAV, which is estimated as an aggregate of the individual valuations of the participations in the portfolio, segmented in IDI’s two operating pillars, Private Equity Europe and Private Equity Emergents. IDI has seen its discount to NAV decrease substantially, from over 50% to just above 25%. We still believe there is significant upside, as IDI’s conservative asset valuation has been proven through successful disposals, where exit prices often exceed the fair value retained in the NAV.

Being a pure-play investment company with no consolidated activities outside the parent and IdiCo, the DCF is not particularly elucidating when it comes to valuing this type of holding company structure. As a result, the DCF primarily reflects the dividend flows from investee companies, since trying to estimate cash entries from potential disposals seems too vague of an exercise given IDI’s investment profile, which is not subject to fund liquidation schedules like the majority of its private equity peers do. This was the case in 2020, where due to an unfavourable market environment brought by the COVID-19 pandemic, management held back on disposals, having just carried out the sale of HEA Expertise in April 2020 on conditions agreed before the sanitary and economic crisis (and realising a solid 35% IRR on its investment).

Regarding the peer metrics valuation, the approach is much more clear-cut. We base it on a group of family-type holding companies with a control/hands-on style in the management of the underlying assets. Many of the above hold assets in their respective portfolios that follow a service-based focus, which supports added-value ambitions and recurring-revenue generation, setting them apart from more commoditised and, hence, cyclical peers. The yield-based valuation jumps out, presenting substantial upside potential, justified by IDI’s solid c.5% dividend yield, compared to a modest 2.5% for its peers.

Please also read section ‘Worth Knowing’ about the impact of the SCA status on valuation

Comparison Based Valuation
Computed on 18 month forecastsMcap (€M]P/E (x)P/Book (x)Yield(%)
Peers ratios 22.4 0.75 2.96
IDI's ratios 7.68 0.71 4.72
Premium -33.0% 0.00% 0.00%
Default comparison based valuation (€) 144 77.6 117
Bolloré 16,425 21.80.621.21
GBL 10,298 41.50.717.55
Ackermans & van Haaren 6,578
Corporacion Financiera Alba 5,212 21.60.951.11
Wendel 4,190
Kinnevik Investment 2,090 ns0.580.00
DCF Valuation Per Share Help View DCF history
WACC % 9.38
PV of cashflow FY1-FY11 €th -167,1...
FY11CF €th -29,945
Normalised long-term growth"g" % 2.00
Sustainability "g" % 1.60
Terminal value €th -385,0...
PV terminal value €th -157,1...
PV terminal value in % of total... % 48.5
Total PV €th -324,2...
Avg net debt (cash) at book v... €th -240,5...
Provisions €th 635
Unrecognised actuarial losses... €th 0.00
Financial assets at market price €th 520,035
Minorities interests (fair value) €th 0.00
Equity value €th 435,689
Number of shares Th 7,189
Implied equity value per share 60.6
Sustainability impact on DCF % 1.99
Assessing The Cost Of Capital Help
Synthetic default risk free rate % 3.50
Target equity risk premium % 5.00
Tax advantage of debt financ... % 25.0
Average debt maturity Year 5
Sector asset beta x 1.18
Debt beta x 0.00
Market capitalisation €th 527,646
Net debt (cash) at book value €th -260,4...
Net debt (cash) at market value €th -260,4...
Company debt spread bp 0.00
Marginal Company cost of debt % 3.50
Company beta (leveraged) x 0.74
Company gearing at market v... % -49.4
Company market gearing % -97.4
Required return on geared eq... % 7.20
Cost of debt % 2.63
Cost of ungeared equity % 9.38
WACC % 9.38
DCF Calculation Help
  12/23A 12/24E 12/25E 12/26E Growth 12/27E
Sales €th   9,775 11,102 11,473 11,595 2.00% 11,827   
EBITDA €th   -17,164 -19,582 -19,978 -20,643 2.00% -21,055   
EBITDA Margin %   -176 -176 -174 -178 -178   
Change in WCR €th   5,361 4,197 1,463 1,502 2.00% 1,533   
Total operating cash flows (pre tax) €th   -16,127 -15,385 -18,515 -19,140 -19,523   
Corporate tax €th   495 -3,480 -3,576 -3,714 2.00% -3,788   
Net tax shield €th   -223 -223 -223 -223 2.00% -227   
Capital expenditure €th   -1,980 -1,980 -1,980 -1,980 2.00% -2,020   
Capex/Sales %   -20.3 -17.8 -17.3 -17.1 -17.1   
Pre financing costs FCF (for DCF purposes) €th   -17,835 -21,067 -24,294 -25,057 -25,558   
Various add backs (incl. R&D, etc.) for DCF... €th     
Free cash flow adjusted €th   -17,835 -21,067 -24,294 -25,057 -25,558   
Discounted free cash flows €th   -17,835 -21,067 -22,211 -20,945 -19,532   
Invested capital   428 468 515 566 578   
NAV/SOTP Calculation
 % ownedValuation technique Multiple used Valuation at 100%
In currency per share
% of gross assets
Private Equity Europe 100% AlphaValue valuation 304,160 304,160 42.3 69.8%
Private Equity Emergents 100% NAV 33,030 33,030 4.59 7.58%
Other 98,551 13.7 22.6%
Total gross assets 435,741 60.6 100%
Net cash/(debt) by year end 225,894 31.4 51.8%
Commitments to pay
Commitments received
NAV/SOTP 661,635 92.0 152%
Number of shares net of treasury shares - year end (Th) 7,189
NAV/SOTP per share (€) 92.0
Current discount to NAV/SOTP (%) 20.3 View history

Changes to Story : 06/12/2024, Changes to Forecasts : 06/12/2024.